Monday, September 24, 2007

Andrew & Clay chose this picture because it looked extremely hot as conditions could be during a drought.

Alabama Drought Pictures

Today, Enrichment students looked at images from the drought in our state. They chose images and e-mailed them to me. In this process, they learned how to save an image to the desktop and attach it to an e-mail. Here are the images they chose and an explanation as to why they picked those particular images.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Enrichment Drought Project

Our enrichment students are learning how to use new technology tools as we research a current problem in our state- the ongoing drought. We will be talking about how to conserve water and the effects of the drought in our area. We are participating in an online collaborative project with other students from around the world. The project is titled "Down the Drain".

Students- your assignment is to

1. go to this site

2. Choose an image from the drought

3. e-mail a picture to me at . Include why you chose this picture.

Also, we will be using a new tool called "Google Documents". I would like for you to

1. go to this site

3. Click on the document titled "Drought Facts" with your name on it and type in your answers.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Author of the Month

Our author spotlight this month is Jane Yolen. Check out her official website.

Book Fair is Coming!!!

Mark your calendars for the Book Fair!! October 22- 26!! We will need parent volunteers. Please contact the school 546-2711 if you can help.
Dr. Berry becomes a Human Hot Dog to reward students and parents for their hard work helping with our Fundraiser. Thank you for supporting our school! These funds will help to purchase much needed materials for our school.

New Beta Club Officers!

We are very excited about our group of 40 new 2007-2008 Beta Club Members. Our new officers are: Callie - President, Clay - Vice President, and Katie - Secretary